Location: Maryland, United States

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Rare Treat

Of late I've been amusing myself with fantasies of selling things for inflated prices on EBay. I figure it is all in the descriptions. For instance, last night I made some jam from the scrawny peaches which grew on the white peach tree in my backyard. As I was stirring it occured to me that with the right marketing strategy I could sell this homemade concoction for megabucks. So when it was cooling in the jars, I grabbed a piece of paper a composed the following label:

New Windsor
White Peach Jam

This rare jam is handmade in small batches, using only selected fruit grown on a single tree located near New Windsor, Maryland. Its delightful sweetness and intense peach flavor are the result of peaches permitted to fully ripen on the tree before they are carefully picked and processed.


It is excellent jam, but I doubt I'll be selling any, on EBay or otherwise. Still, I have no doubt that there are people out there all too willing to pay exorbitant prices for ordinary items. Hooray for the Internet, which helps us find them!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, wow this is the best blog spot i've read thus far. with you beautiful, colorful language and "down home" topics i feel that i have known you for a long time.

a friend- emily

10:07 PM  

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